Belkyra (Fat Dissolving) Treatments - PureSkin Dermatology | London ON

Belkyra (Fat Dissolving)

Complimentary 45 minutes

Belkyra (Fat Dissolving)


Bothered by your “double chin”? Fullness under the neck is a common, yet treatable condition, caused by aging, weight changes and genetics. Belkyra™ is an injectable treatment that permanently eliminates fat cells.

Define your jawline and neck with minimal downtime.

  • Non-surgical permanent fat reduction
  • Safe and Effective
  • Long-lasting results

What is Belkyra™?

Belkyra™ is a non-surgical injectable treatment designed to reduce submental fullness, commonly known as a “double chin.”

Belkyra™ is formulated with deoxycholic acid and works by destroying fat cells beneath the chin, resulting in a more contoured jawline. It offers a non-invasive alternative to surgery, with minimal downtime.

woman getting injectable in cheek
man getting injectable near nose

Who is a candidate for Belkyra™?

  • Individuals with submental fullness or a “double chin” that is bothersome.
  • Patients who have good skin elasticity and are in generally good health.
  • Candidates who have tried diet and exercise to reduce submental fullness without significant improvement.

What To Expect

What to expect during treatment

Prior to your procedure, an assessment will be made by our Medical Director to determine the appropriate amount of Belkyra™ needed. Using a fine needle or cannula, a series of injections are placed in a pattern on the areas under the chin which need treatment. Multiple injections may be administered to the treated areas. Our skincare experts use precise technique to ensure natural-looking results.

You may feel a slight pinch or pressure during the injections, but any discomfort is typically minimal. For your comfort, we use a topical numbing agent or local anesthesia injections prior to injections.

You may have a very small amount of pinpoint bleeding where the needle was inserted. This usually subsides in a few minutes.

What to expect after treatment

You may apply ice packs to ease tenderness and swelling after the procedure.

There may be some temporary redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection sites, but these effects usually subside within 3 – 5 days.

Side effects from Belkyra™ treatment, especially swelling and firmness, tend to last two weeks and do not typically cause any social downtime.

woman smiling


Our patients experience visible contouring of their chin profile in 2 – 4 treatments within 2 – 4 months. Up to 6 treatments may be administered.
Belkyra™ is a very safe treatment when injected by a highly trained and experienced provider. At PureSkin Dermatology, our skincare experts are highly trained and are always supervised by our Medical Director.
The results of Belkyra™ are permanent. Belkyra™ uses a substance naturally found in our bodies (deoxycholic acid) to destroy fat cell membranes. Once these cells are destroyed, they cannot be regenerated.