Tag: sunscreen
Sun Protection

We’ve said it before, and we will say it again – the most important step in your skincare routine and anti-aging skincare regimen is your skin’s protection against UV radiation and UV induced aging. Here’s our friendly reminder to protect your skin this summer and all year round. We’ve answered your most frequently asked questions…
Skincare for Men

When it comes to skincare, products have traditionally been marketed heavily towards women, leading to a perception that skincare is primarily a female concern. However, in the last few years men are pursuing healthier, younger-looking skin, and skincare brands are finally targeting products towards their needs. Although the basic elements of a skincare routine are similar for men…
Skin Quality

As a physician led clinic, at PureSkin Dermatology we believe your skin health is first and foremost. The quality of your skin reflects and signals to the world about your overall health. Even small alterations in your skin texture or pigmentation can have a large impact on perceived skin health. What’s more, attractiveness is highly…
What is Regenerative Medicine?

You may have heard of anti-aging treatments, but have you heard of Regenerative Medicine? Regenerative medicine is defined as the regeneration of cells and tissues to restore youthfulness and is an exciting new frontier in medicine. Regenerative aesthetics is a branch of regenerative medicine that focusses on enhancing your body’s innate system for natural repair and…
New Year. New You.

As we embark on another year filled with resolutions, hopes and dreams, let’s also take a moment to embrace the beauty of days gone by. To have the good fortune of turning a page on the calendar, filled with memories of the previous year, or to be able to read this blog is truly a…
Holiday Skincare

It’s hard to believe another year is almost behind us, and we are about to roll into 2024. As a Medical Aesthetics Clinic, we are constantly asked how to reverse the signs of aging. If we had the answer, we’d be billionaires. Yet here we both are… While we can’t stop the clock (and no,…
Sunscreens – Chemical or Physical?

Regardless of the season, sunscreen should be a staple in your skincare routine. Whether mineral or chemical, find one that you love, use it everyday and make sure to re-apply every 2-3 hours. …