Tag: skincare
What is the hype about FRAXEL?

FRAXEL is a type of fractional laser treatment that has gained significant popularity for its ability to rejuvenate the skin by targeting various concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and acne scars. The treatment works by creating micro-injuries in the skin, which stimulates the body’s natural healing process and promotes collagen production, leading to…
Sun Protection

We’ve said it before, and we will say it again – the most important step in your skincare routine and anti-aging skincare regimen is your skin’s protection against UV radiation and UV induced aging. Here’s our friendly reminder to protect your skin this summer and all year round. We’ve answered your most frequently asked questions…
Skincare for Men

When it comes to skincare, products have traditionally been marketed heavily towards women, leading to a perception that skincare is primarily a female concern. However, in the last few years men are pursuing healthier, younger-looking skin, and skincare brands are finally targeting products towards their needs. Although the basic elements of a skincare routine are similar for men…
Spring Clean your Skincare Routine

Spring is in the air, and who doesn’t love a little spring clean & refresh? Don’t forget to do the same for your skincare products! Here are a few of our tips on how to Marie Kondo your skincare routine! Need some help or not sure what is best for you? Book a complimentary consultation…
Skin Quality

As a physician led clinic, at PureSkin Dermatology we believe your skin health is first and foremost. The quality of your skin reflects and signals to the world about your overall health. Even small alterations in your skin texture or pigmentation can have a large impact on perceived skin health. What’s more, attractiveness is highly…
What is Regenerative Medicine?

You may have heard of anti-aging treatments, but have you heard of Regenerative Medicine? Regenerative medicine is defined as the regeneration of cells and tissues to restore youthfulness and is an exciting new frontier in medicine. Regenerative aesthetics is a branch of regenerative medicine that focusses on enhancing your body’s innate system for natural repair and…
New Year. New You.

As we embark on another year filled with resolutions, hopes and dreams, let’s also take a moment to embrace the beauty of days gone by. To have the good fortune of turning a page on the calendar, filled with memories of the previous year, or to be able to read this blog is truly a…
Holiday Skincare

It’s hard to believe another year is almost behind us, and we are about to roll into 2024. As a Medical Aesthetics Clinic, we are constantly asked how to reverse the signs of aging. If we had the answer, we’d be billionaires. Yet here we both are… While we can’t stop the clock (and no,…
Skin & Body Connection

You’ve heard us say it over and over – skincare is self-care. But don’t just take it from us. There is a large body of science that studies the link between mental health and our skin, called Psychodermatology. Unlike other diseases, patients with skin diseases bear their condition for the world to see, which can…

Are you dealing with frequent breakouts? Feeling overwhelmed with the number of advertisements and over the counter options to treat acne? Well, you’re not alone. With so many acne treatments available over the counter, it’s hard to know where to start. Acne is considered a chronic disease of the oil gland, and even after achieving…
Hair Loss

Did you know most of us will experience some form of hair loss in our lifetime? There are many forms of hair loss: telogen effluvium, alopecia areata, frontal fibrosing alopecia, central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, traction alopecia, medication or chemotherapy induced hair loss and so on… With August being hair loss awareness month, I thought we’d…
How to use Retinol like a Pro

Retinols are a form of vitamin A that reduce wrinkles, fine lines, acne, large pores and more. It’s no wonder it is a Derm favourite! Retinols are a type of retinoid that is available over the counter while other retinoids are by prescription. Typically, prescription retinoids are more concentrated with higher potency active ingredients, which…
Vitamin C – What’s the Hype?

Vitamin C is a power house ingredient that protects against environmental pollutants and prevents skin damage. It can help reduce wrinkles, protect collagen, decrease hyperpigmentation, even skin tone and aid in wound healing. What’s more, when used in combination with your sunscreen, this powerful antioxidant can enhance your SPF protection and prevent skin aging. …

Melanoma is a form of skin cancer that can sneak up on you. It is easier to treat when diagnosed early, and prevention is key! For early diagnosis and treatment, we recommend performing monthly self skin checks in a well-lit room with a long mirror. Remember to check through your scalp, fingers and toes too!…